Paradise Hike

Today Alan and I headed for Mt. Rainier to hike the Skyline Trail out of Paradise while Kay and Jean stayed behind for some Mother – Daughter time. We got there about 8 AM and headed up the east side of the trail. It was remarkably alive with birds, with flocks of DEJU and sparrows. Read More…


Today was just a terrific day from start to finish. Kay and I drove to Gig Harbor to meet Ken and Rachel at Schmel Homestead Park to have a picnic breakfast and watch the eclipse. Kay and I brought vegan coffee cake, and Ken and Rachel brought fresh berries. Ken also brought toys and ideas Read More…

Pectoral Sandpiper at Levy Pond

I happened to check my email around noon and saw a very recent (hourly) eBird needs alert for Pierce County that Christopher Clark had seen a Pectoral sandpiper at Levy Pond. Kay and I headed right there, and the PESA was feeding near two Long-billed dowitchers on the sand bar. It moved around a from Read More…

Black Phoebe While Shorebirding

Today I made three quick stops, primarily looking for share birds while Kay was at her book club. At the Freeman Road mitigation the water is nearly dried up and not many birds left. At Levy Pond the mud was good, the SBDO remained, but otherwise just the usual peeps. At 56th St. Stormwater Ponds Read More…

Pierce Birders Chasing Shorebirds Today

I was just about to leave the house for stops at the Freeman Rd mitigation and Levy Pond enroute to working at Brett’s this morning when the texts started flying. Peter W. told us of a SBDO at Freeman, and I headed that way. Sure enough a juvenile SBDO was with two adult LBDO in Read More…

Brief Shorebirding Today

This morning on the way to work at Brett’s place I stopped first at Levy Pond. The good news is that the sand bar is only maybe 2′ under water and shorebirds are starting to come. I had 9 LESA and 4 LBDO today, but not much else. Next stop was 56th St. Stormwater Ponds Read More…