Pierce Birders Chasing Shorebirds Today

I was just about to leave the house for stops at the Freeman Rd mitigation and Levy Pond enroute to working at Brett’s this morning when the texts started flying. Peter W. told us of a SBDO at Freeman, and I headed that way. Sure enough a juvenile SBDO was with two adult LBDO in the remaining water. Five GRYE were fishing, walking quickly and swinging their bills in the water and catching small fish, as three LEYE more gently picked at the water. No Baird’s today but several LESA and SPSA were there. As I left Bruce L. arrived.
At Levy Pond I noted Wayne S. photographing the peeps across on the now just starting to dry sandbar, and I studied the two teal on the far shore. I concluded likely Cinnamon Teal, though Ryan S. noted 4 BWTE yesterday. Wayne had really close photos from the far side, and the red eye made CITE the better ID I think, though Ryan may have had different birds. A few LBDO, GRHE, and flybys of a few passerines were it for that stop, and I enjoyed working in the relative cool of the day at Brett’s, finishing the high gable front siding, and replacing the 2×4 under the front door.