Three Days on Whidby Island

Kay and I spent Monday and Tuesday nights at the Captain Whidby Inn, a groupon special, and part of each day exploring and birding the island. (making it my trip to Island County in hopes of birding all 30 WA counties this year) It has been maybe 20 years since I’ve spent any time on Read More…

Longmire and Back

Bruce Labar, Marcus Roening and I met at the Roy-Y Park & Ride at 7:20 AM and headed for Longmire Rainier NP in hopes of finding a few FOY Pierce birds. At Longmire it was generally quiet but we managed to find a small flock of mixed chickadees, CBC’s mostly, but at least 2 Mountain Read More…

Tundra Swans on the Orting Farm Loop Today

Today I tried once more for the Brant in the wet fields between Riverside Rd and Auto Way in Sumner, finding a diminishing flock of Cackling Geese behind the Honda dealership again, but today the Snow Geese were gone and the Brant still not found. Rain was found though and increasing hard rain at 33 Read More…