Snow Geese Finally plus Downy Woodpecker and Sharpie

Today after helping Brett knock out access to his attic and watching a flock of 20 Bushtits flit about in his side yard, I drove by the school on Portland Ave once again in hopes of seeing the Snow Geese reported there by Michael Charest and Bruce Labar among others. I’d gone by at least three times in the last few days, always no SNGO, and today traveling west no luck. I turned around planning to go to upper Swan Creek Park and on driving by in the other direction, presto, there they were.

At Swan Creek I had a good walk, adding Downy Woodpecker in the creek area and later a flying Sharp-shinned hawk over the old open housing area, and managed to not get hurt much when I fell going down a steep hillside.

This afternoon Kay and I visited the Kent Ponds area in hopes of seeing the Red-shouldered Hawk that has been seen there recently, but it was not to be today. Still sunshine and a nice walk all around the area was nice.