Key West to Manasota Key

Kay and I got off the Playmate, the boat we used for the Dry Tortugas trip after a really rough and pounding ride back to Key West on Saturday about 3 PM. It was raining and we just headed north. There had been a Bahama Mockingbird sighted on the way back through the keys, but Read More…

Dry Tortugas Trip

Day 1- Dry Tortugas Trip: May 20, 2017. Last night we slept on the boat and took off about 5 AM today. It was pretty rough, and I dashed out of bed to get my meclizine on board and get on deck to get eyes on the horizon. I felt better right away and we Read More…

South Florida- Everglades and the Keys

Today Kay and I slept in until about 7:30, then after a quick breakfast headed for the Everglades. We made really a quick morning of it stopping only at Long Pine Key (got distant looks at and heard several Pine Warblers) and Mahogany Hammock Trail where we got nice looks at Swallow-tailed Kites, but overall Read More…

Listing Over Birding

Today listing took front and center as Jean agreed that we could leave Miami Beach early in order to leave time to visit an e-Bird hotspot near the airport called Ocean Bank.  We were both surprised when we got there and it was in fact a bank. A big urban bank building with underground parking, Read More…

South Point Park Miami Beach

Last day in FL today, and I got up and spent an hour or so at South Point Park on Miami Beach this morning.  It was another beautiful sunrise, clouds hiding the rising sun drawing water from the Atlantic.  Very windy so no passerines in the few trees there. I did add Greater Black-backed gull Read More…

Prairie and Palm Warbler Day

Today Jean and I got up early to go to Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park on Key Biscayne.  It really is a great place. I need to remember to read the fine print. We arrived at 7 AM, tightly locked gates open at 8 AM.  Decided to backtrack to Crandon Park where we parked Read More…

Florida Day’s 1-2

Thursday night I caught a red-eye from SEA to MIA, rented a car and drove first to a stakeout for Mangrove Cuckoo at Black Point Park and Marina, in Miami-Dade Co.  It was right on the way to Long Key and then to the place Jean had her business meeting.  I looked for a bit, Read More…