We all celebrated a life list click, studied the bird for a bit, and then decided we had time to go about 6 miles south, around the protected Creek mouth, to Boiler Bay State Wayside for a seawatch. This is a beautiful place, on the open ocean, with pounding surf, and a nice high knoll to get out of the spray with our scopes and scan the waters. We had a nice variety of gulls, scoters, cormorants, and loons, and watched a young Peregrine Falcon make maybe 100 swooping passes at a Red Phalarope on the water, with the phalarope ducking underwater to avoid each attacking pass. Finally the falcon gave up and flew away.
After this we decided to go back to eat our lunch while revisiting the Common Scoter and then drive back home. Good company, conversation, and a nice ABA lifer trip. ABC birding meeting tonight was with Jim Watson of WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife talking on his research and experience with Golden Eagles in WA. I nice talk and great finish to the day.