Figueroa Mountain, Santa Barbara County, CA

As a consolation to being with my family today on father’s day I headed for the hills, literally. About 1 hour 20 minutes drive from Santa Barbara is the summit of Figueroa Mountain. It’s in the Los Padre National Forest, so it seemed an appropriate place for father’s day. It is also far enough away from the Sherpa Fire that it seemed safe.

It was a beautiful day, and I left right after hitting the breakfast room which opens at 6 AM here. The road is windy but not difficult for a sedan, and I had a great morning. I had considered staying the whole day, but flies there were very annoying. Not biting flies, but just swarming so thickly it was hard to relax and ignore them. Here are some photos from the day.

Yellow-billed Magpie.  Several on the road up.
Yellow-billed Magpie. Several on the road up.



