Local Pierce County Wetlands.

Today after church a quick rounds of the Fife and Puyallup wetlands, Levy Pond, Sha-Dax, wet area off 70th, 56th Street Stormwater Ponds, and Gay Road Mitigation.  Really very little unexpected to be seen.  The 56th St. Stormwater area was still locked up, so tough to see much.  Sha Dax is getting overgrown, as is the area by the RR tracks off 70th, and midday birding was overall quiet.  Best sighting for me was flushing 3 Wilson’s snipe in the grass off the the left of the entry at the 70th St area and 7 Greater Yellowlegs flying overhead calling loudly.  Still as my first time out in Pierce after a month in CA I managed to get 7 FOY county species, and two FOY WA species, Savannah sparrow and Common Yellowthroat. Savannah Sparrows were singing at nearly every stop, as well as heard on a bike ride on the Orting Trail this afternoon.