Santiago Oaks Canyon Hike with the Sisters

Kay, her sister Mary, and I went to Santiago Oaks Canyon for a hike today. Birding was a secondary purpose. We did the hike well, but re birding some notes to self:
-Get there earlier. By about 9 AM when we started it was already hot and the birds were quiet.
-Do the Santiago Creek Trail first to take advantage of the morning riparian habitat passerine activity.

Besides getting there later, we headed for the harder hiking in the earlier day to take advantage of the relatively cooler walk, and by the time we hit the creek area it was nearly 11 AM and still the birds were reasonably active
The hike, vistas, company, and exercise were great. The birding I thought a bit slow. Best bird of the morning for me was a quick fly-by of a White-throated swift seen while watching a high soaring RTHA through binos. It quickly disappeared into the blue sky and I couldn’t get Kay onto it. Added 5 ABA year birds on the hike, all pretty easy except the swift. California towhee, Chipping sparrow, Wrentit (many heard, none seen), and Acorn woodpecker (the most noticeable bird of the morning.
We tried for the Painted redstart at Irving Lake but could not figure out how birders have been getting to the bait shop area as the whole place seemed to be closed down.
Home by 1 PM after Subway for lunch.