Mile Square Park and Huntington Beach

Today Kay and I birded Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. It seemed like a fairly birdy area on the way to Huntington Beach and had easy access from our place in Fullerton without fighting Highway traffic in the morning.
It was pretty much as expected. The uncommon SoCal birds that have been seen there were pretty easy to find, namely two sub-species of Cackling goose, minima

Minima, I was too impatient to wait for the Aleutian to pose.
Minima, I was too impatient to wait for the Aleutian to pose.

and Aleutian, Snow Goose, and we found 31 species altogether, including nice looks at a Lark sparrow
Lark sparrow
Lark sparrow

Western bluebirds, Black-crowned night herons


and Bushtits.
From there we spent a couple of hours at Huntington Beach which was pretty quiet from a birding standpoint, added BRPE, HEGU, and OSPR to my ABA year list.

e-Bird list