Chamber’s Bay AM and Buckley Bank Swallows PM

This morning I tried for the haul of great birds found yesterday by Bruce and Marcus at Chamber’s Bay but settled for large numbers of alcids. At least 7 Cassin’s Aucklets, 9 Marbled Murrelets, and 82 (probablyk many more) Common Murres. After working the afternoon at Bonney Lake I checked out the Buckley gravel pit Read More…

Ft Steilacom with Kay

To enjoy the nice weather this evening Kay and I drove over to Ft Steilacom Park to take a birding walk around the lake hoping for Bullock’s Oriole and to enjoy the newly arrived passerines. We did hear one Oriole chattering, and I saw a male fly away, but no good looks. Black-headed grosbeaks, Cedar Read More…

Mason County

Today Ken and I decided to bird Mason County again, this time focusing on the birds found in the higher elevations and breeding passerines. It was a terrific day to be birding, warm, dry, partly sunny and just enough breeze to keep bugs down in wetter areas. We started at the Skokomish Delta Overlook off Read More…


Last week I added Olive-sided flycatcher, the “quick-three-beers” bird. Today in just under 2 hours I added Green Heron in the creek across 156th just after leaving the storm water ponds, the at Wildwood Park I heard 3 Swainson’s thrushes calling and one singing just before I heard a calling bird high in the trees. Read More…

Blue-winged Teal Today

Today just around 11:30 AM Bruce located 4 male Blue-winged teal at the pond across Lincoln from the Gog, and moments later they flew out of sight across the river. I got his text whileI was headed for the dump to bring a trailer of yard waste, and we about to skip my first Tai Read More…

LBCU Persists Plus CITE and LABU

This morning at the 56th Street Ponds I arrived just after Bruce and although shorebirds were absent except for 5 Greater Yellowlegs a male Cinnamon teal cruised the far pond and just before leaving several Lazuli Buntings responded to a recording, and one perched for a brief look. Quick stops at Sha-Dax and Levee Pond Read More…

Dash for a Wandering Tattler

This afternoon our Pierce County text group notified me of a Wandering Tattler at the Point Defiance Marina. Hope Anderson initially located the bird, and posted to eBird at 12:30 PM. Michael Charest noted the eBird list and went to see and photograph the bird about 3:30 PM. He put out the group text and Read More…

Ft. Lewis Today

Today I got out to Ft. Lewis with Dan Anderson hoping for a good number of FOY Pierce birds and had excellent success. First stop was the dirt road to the right just after turning onto East Gate Rd. The dawn chorus was in full song, but we had a heck of a time seeing Read More…

Long-Billed Curlew

Thanks to Will Brooks who found the LBCU and Bruce Labar who called me while he was seeing the bird, I was able to make a frantic dash to the newly plowed field just off Hwy 162 near 80th Ave. to see my first Pierce County Long-billed Curlew about 12:50 today, get photos, and dash Read More…