Orange County in Summer

I’ve made quite a few visits to OC over the years to visit with Kay’s family, but have not been here in summer often. Yesterday we took a hike in the hills outside Laguna Beach, and except for some singing Wrentits, Common Yellowthroats, and House Finches it was really pretty quiet, though a hike at Read More…

Nisqually NWR

Today, after spending most of the last 2 weeks getting ready to move, I got together with Ken and we went to Nisqually NWR for the morning. Overall cool and damp but not rainy in the AM, but by afternoon it warmed up and was nice. Birding at Nisqually was typical summer breeding birds in Read More…

Barn Owlets on the Nest

Tonight Kay and I visited Tim Mellema and Keri at their new place on Tanwax Lake. They have a wonderful property nestled between two huge estates with > 1000 feet of lake frontage and are remodeling several old buildings. In the overhang space between the roof and the porch roof of the guest cottage is Read More…

Nighthawks Over the Prairie

This evening I got out the Ft. Lewis area 15 about 8:20 PM and hung out enjoying the wildflowers, sunset, and listening to and watching just a few Common nighthawks “peenting” and flying over the fields and adjacent forest. Lazuli buntings, Savannah sparrows, White-crowned sparrows, American Robins, Western meadowlarks and distant Swainson’s thrush, Black-headed grosbeak, Read More…

Red-eyed Vireo in Orting

Again this year the Red-eyed vireos have returned to the riverside dike area where the path through the field off 178th St. meets the river dike. As soon as I got near the river I could hear the REVI singing. I believe there were two birds together as I saw two similar birds in flight, Read More…

3-Day Central Washington Trip

We met at my house at 6 AM and headed east to Ashford, across Skate Creek Road to Packwood, and then east on Hwy. 12. After a brief stop in Ashford hoping for Evening grosbeak for my Pierce year list was not successful we next stopped at Kuupfenburg Lake, a tiny montaine lake just west Read More…

Willow Flycatchers Today

I had been in areas over the last week where I might have heard or seen an early Willow Flycatcher, but today went on the riverside trail off the end of 178th Street in Orting, and heard at least 8 calling both in the fields and near the river. The Lazuli Buntings are in also, Read More…