TAS Trip Today

Today I led a trip of 12 TAS birders, mostly ABC grads, to see what we could find in Pierce County on a spectacularly beautiful sunny day. After finding very little except the Queen Eider on the sound over the last 3 days I decided we’d try for fresh water and land birds. We met Read More…

Queen Eider

I got a chance to chase my first new 2015 Pierce County bird this morning, the female King Eider that has been hanging out off Ruston Way in Tacoma since discovered by Bruce Labar a couple of days after I left for my Rio Grande Valley trip. I had to look around a bit but Read More…

Seedeater- Yes

I felt a bit bad that on our first day of the RBVBF I took the last remaining space on a King Ranch trip and on an easy half day trip got to see Ferruginous Pygmy owl, while I scheduled her for a 5AM start on the Seedeater Sojourn. The weather had made the private Read More…

Bentson Rio Grande Valley State Park

Our RGVBF trip today was to Bentson Rio Grande Valley State Park, or “Bentson” as it’s known in the local birding vernacular. Overall it was a nice day of birding considering we went with a group of 38 +4 leaders. We missed the primary targets of the trip, Ringed Kingfisher and Tropical Parula, both of Read More…

Birding Weslaco

This morning Kay and I took the half day RGVBF trip to Weslaco and visited two areas, and . These are relatively small areas but have excellent habitat for a good variety of birds. For me the highlight of the day was the ease with which we saw Clay-colored thrush. I was pleased that I Read More…