Today I was fortunate enough to go to Surrey, BC in search of a Siberian Accentor. For any non-birders reading sometimes birds that normally breed in the Eurasian arctic regions somehow get their directions wrong and migrate across the Bering Sea and end up coming down the west coast of North America. This year a Read More…
Gog-li-hi-ti: SBGU yes.
Today I finished grinding out a few hours at our Yakima rental painting and before dark stopped to look for the Slaty-backed gull at the 11th Street where everything is different from last year since the old pier and building have been torn down, the parking area paved, and the place the SBGU roosted last Read More…
Sammish Flats Less the Usual Falcons
Kay, Linda, Ron and I headed out from LaConnor after a less wonderful than usual night at the Channel Lodge, upstairs guests stomping around half the night and no hot water for showers in the whole place this morning, but a nice breakfast and we were off by 10 AM to bird the Sammish Flats Read More…
Happy New Year
Kay and I are enjoying one of our nearly annual traditions, spending a night in La Connor, WA Skagit County, with Ron and Linda Bahr. We come up one day, meet up and get out birding for a few hours. Then we go to the Channel Lodge, go out to dinner in La Connor, and Read More…
2015 Wrap Up
2015 was a very eventful year for me. I retired at the end of August, my Dad passed in August, and I had both lots of time to travel and tried to accumulate a Pierce County year list. Here were some of the birding highlights: Pierce County: I got to know Bruce Labar much better Read More…
Thoughts About My Trip to Nicaragua
I got home at 3 AM this morning after spending 9 days in San Juan del Sur, Rivas, Nicaragua primarily visiting my step-brother Keith with Kay and my daughter Jean. I had a few chances to get out in local areas birding and really had a hard time finding birds. This was in part due Read More…
San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
Friday night Kay, Jean and I arrived at the Managua airport and were picked up by Keith, Kay’s brother. We drove to Playa del Sur to his apartment where luckily neighbors were in the US or Christmas and Kay and I are staying in their apartment while Jean stays in Keith’s extra bedroom. So far Read More…
Yucatan Peninsula
Kay and I spent a week on the Yucatan peninsula from Dec 10-17th. We rented a car an got around without difficulty and after getting in in late afternoon drove to Puerto Morellos and stayed in Amar Inn, a very pleasant B&B small hotel a half block from the beach. I chose this town at Read More…
Great Layover in Miami
I had been planning to use a long layover in Miami, enroute from the Yucatan to Nicaragua to try to pad my ABA list with Common Myna, but luck was favoring me and a Northern spindalis has been hanging out at Markham Park less than an hour from the Miami airport. Kay and I rented Read More…
Bolsa Chica
Kay and I had a free hour this morning on our family SoCal trip and visited the Bolsa Chica wetlands in Orange County. This is always a treat, with close up views of birds we don’t get to see often in WA. Probably my favorite part of the walk was seeing the fish-eaters crowd into Read More…