Red-Cockaded Woodpecker, Brown-headed Nuthatch and Space Shuttle

Today Kay and I decided that we would add a trip to WG Jones Forest before we went to the Houston NASA Center, and had almost instant success finding her two life birds in the first 20 minutes there. First a Red-cockaded woodpecker called drawing us to see it first perched high on a snag in the open for a photo-op
then flying to what appeared to be a nest hole. In the same location we saw small birds high in the pines that proved to be the other target bird for this location, Brown-headed nuthatches. We got IDable looks though moving and high up of these birds. As we walked around we added Pileated woodpecker, Red-bellied woodpecker and a few other common species.
From there we went to the NASA Center and saw this life bird:

A nice wrap to a great trip. Now back at the hotel for a 3+ hour look at the Seahawks.