Yesterday I added Marbled godwit to my 2018 Pierce list, and today after several unsuccessful tries I got a single Marbled murrelet on the south side of the Dash Point pier. No Black scoter with the mixed flock of WWSC and SUSC though.
Then, as it seems to happen, at Brown’s Point Lighthouse there were 8 Marbled murrelets cruising just off shore. After leaving the lighthouse I decided it was time to find a Lincoln’s sparrow. I’d been to good locations a few times, but no luck so far this year. I decided since I was already in the Port, to go to Levy Road in Fife. I worked the sides of the road for a while, and found a good flock of GCSP, and a Lincoln’s sparrow responded to a recorded song and flew in close for great looks, but I could not get a photo.