Devereux Slough and Coal Oil Point

This (Sunday) afternoon I finally broke down and went for a birding walk. I am a bit sick of seeing the same things in the same places here in Santa Barbara Co. and was going to take a day off, but by 4 PM I gave in and went birding. Coal Oil Point is a cool birding spot, but I learned today that a nice sunny Sunday afternoon is not the time to go. The beach was littered with sunbathing, frisbee, dog walking UCSB students. Joggers kept the shorebirds moving and as a birder I was outnumbered maybe 150:1.

I also learned that the “Coal Oil” part of the name may be from the fact that every firm surface there is covered with a thick sticky layer of black oil/sand mixture that clings to shoes like tar.

Thick layer of oil and sand, looks like asphalt on rocks
Thick layer of oil and sand, looks like asphalt on rocks

Still the birding at Devereux Slough on the way in was fine. I got nice looks but no photo of Oak Titmouse. Their call reminds me of an incomplete chickadee call. I also saw lots of Savannah sparrows, I believe the local Belding race.


On the beach most of the Snowy Plovers I had seen earlier in the year seem to have scattered, but a few remained.


A large flock of Black-bellied plovers tried to avoid the people on the beach, before finally retreating at high tide to the restricted SNPL nesting area to roost.

On the way back out I saw two AMKE, one perched on the top of a high pole.


So I managed to get a little more exercise for the day and get fresh air, even at the cost of needing to seriously clean my sneakers.