Bruce Labar and I birded Sunrise today, going from the parking lot, up the upper trail to Frozen Lake, then the trail to Fremont Lookout, and then back via the trail through the Sunrise campground. Overall a sunny, very warm day with little breeze. Views terrific, birding overall pretty slow.
The best birding of the day was on the lower areas. From Frozen Lake to Fremont Lookout and back we saw almost nothing. Best bird in that segment was an adult and this Juvenile American Pipit by a snow patch near the lookout.

On the way up we did see three Mountain Bluebirds, Pierce County FOY for me, along with one Nashville Warbler (a first time Pierce County bird for me) On the way back through the campsite we got into several mixed flocks that responded well to pishing and owl whistles, and had really nice looks at several more Nashville warblers, along with Townsend’s, Orange-crowned, Audubon’s YRWA and many Mountain chickadees, Dark-eyed juncos and Cassin’s finchs.
Here are some photos of the NAWA and other cool sights of the day.